Pastor's Pen 4.25.2021

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,  that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him,  for He cares for you."  I Peter 5:6-7

Often, growing up, I had the privilege of fishing with an avid sportsman, my Dad.  He loved to fish!  He had a large collection of lures, tackle and bait along with fishing poles, waders and gear.  He had a special patience and knowledge of all the best spots to find fish.

On many occasions we would spend time either on the shore, standing in the stream or in his small boat...just waiting for "the big one to bite".  Though my Dad could be transfixed with trout, bass, crappie or even bluegill, I wasn't as devoted.  If they weren't biting, I was bailing.  

Nevertheless,  one skill was central to those now distant memories: casting. It was vital to fly fishing but also important whenever you wanted to get your hook in the "right spot".

The Lord tells us to "cast our cares on Him" as we place ourselves under His mighty hand.  Though accuracy is not the issue,  we often fail to give, surrender and let go of our cares and concerns.  Giving God the opportunity to take what He is well able to handle releases us from what we are not designed to handle. 

Jesus said, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:33

Casting our cares on Him rids our souls of worrisome weight,  wounded hearts and wasted effort.  Things we were never intended to carry,  are to be thrown on God in prayer.  He longs for us to trust Him, thank Him and tell others of His greatness. 

This season of recovery has reminded me that casting takes practice and perseverance.  Remember, He never fails, rejects or refuses any offer of our concern.  I rejoice for His invitation to cast; the invigorating joy of His promise; and the ignition of holy passion when, with heart and hands uplifted, I truly see what an awesome God we serve!

Keep casting those cares,
Pastor Rick Meyers 

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