Pastor's Pen 8.18.2024

Essentials From Ephesians - Part 1

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ..."
  Ephesians 1:3

Have you considered the incredible ways you are blessed IN CHRIST? There's nothing withheld from those who have received Jesus as their Savior.  Look at these Essentials for our victorious life:

You are chosen in Christ! 
It's not happenstance that you are a believer. God knew you before the foundation of the world and made the way for you to be holy and blameless.  Offering His own Son to die for our sins, God established the means of relationship through Christ. 

You are adopted in Christ! 
Now because of the cross we can be part of the family of God.  We belong to Him and are jointheirs with Christ. Our status has changed from an outsider to become children of God.  (See John 1:12)

You are accepted  in Christ!  
It brings praise to His glory that we are now those who are saved by grace.  Our entire reality is transformed by His relentless love. The Lord is for us and makes acceptance the foundation of our life in Him. 

Chosen, adopted, accepted... and the amazing thing is, there's even more, 

In Christ, 
Pastor Rick Meyers 

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