Pastor's Pen 6.13.2021

"...therefore I have a hope:
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,  for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.  I say to myself, The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." Lamentations 3:21-24

In today's world, the word "hope" is related to an optimistic emotion.  Like wishing upon a star or crossing your fingers, hope is a weak term in our culture.  We hope it will cool off, stop raining, or that the traffic light will stay green. 

Hope is a watered-down concept that rarely goes beyond the surface.  When we say "we hope so", often we really mean, "I doubt it" or "yeah really".  

Biblical hope is not a feeling, a dream or a wishful thought.  Instead, it is the state of confident expectancy.  It is an assurance deep in the heart, that we can wait with full anticipation, in the surety of fulfillment.

Our hope is in the Lord! That means without any question or uncertainty, we know and are confident that He will not fail, forsake or flee. Hope means we can count on His unchanging faithfulness and endless love!  So as Jeremiah says, "I say to myself, the Lord is my portion."

If God is our portion, is there anything too hard to face?  If the Lord is our portion, won't we always have what we need when we need it?  Our God is enough for all our days,  details and discomforts!

Don't be a "hope so" when by His grace, you can be a "know so".

"My hope built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness!"

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