Pastor's Pen 12.11.2022

"Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord." 
Luke 2:10-11

[This is the third Sunday of Advent, as we celebrate Who Jesus is]

Good news is meant to be shared!  Great joy expands when others are included!
This is the announcement that changed everything..."there is born to you...a Savior"!

Jesus birth in Bethlehem cannot go without heaven's fanfare.  Angels broke the silence that night with a proclamation of peace, an announcement of clarity and an exaltation of God with highest praise. Why?

Heaven's host knew Who Mary's baby was.  "Now in flesh appearing", the one and only Savior of the world was born!

His arrival was prophesied.  His purpose was clear.  His identity was declared. His mission would change the course of history. Jesus did not become a Savior, He was born a Savior. 

God demonstrates His love for us by sending what we needed most.  God did what we cannot do for ourselves.  God came to save sinners and set right what was broken and lost. 

Christmas means we can
celebrate Who Jesus is: Our Savior as Scripture declares. 
-"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:18
-"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17
-"...for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world."  John 12:47

Have you received Him as your Savior?  Call on Him and you too will be saved. 

Pastor Rick Meyers 

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